About Florida Locator

Preparing for Hurricane Season 2024

Ft Lauderdale, Fl
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Why Prepare?

Many times we get overwhelmed with the day to day activities such as work, family, and business that we overlook the essentials until it’s too late. This is evident when there is a storm threat and you see the grocery stores packed with people shopping at the last minute because they didn’t plan properly. We hope to help people by providing them with planning tips to help alleviate the rush at the last minute.
Start Planning Now!

It’s never too late to plan for the next threat and there is no time like right now. Planning isn’t easy and many times it becomes a hassle to get ready for something that we are not sure if we need it or not. But it is always better to be safe than sorry. So sit down with the family and take some time to talk about what you need to do to get ready just in case there is a threat ready to come your way.

Thank you for visiting Florida Locator.net This website was created to help residents, businesses and visitors to the Sunshine State that share concerns about the quality of life and the environmental challenges that are taking place in our land and our waterways. Our mission is to educate, motivate and inform people about the ways that they can make a difference in enhancing the quality of life for Floridians as well as anyone that would like to become involved in helping our planet and each other.

Health & Wellness Information

The content in this website is geared towards giving people the information and the access to resources that will benefit them, their families and their communities. We share information including links, content and videos from private and public local, state and federal agencies and organizations that are designed to help you and your family build and maintain health and wellness.

Public Safety

Our goal is to make it easier for the estimated 21.78 million Florida residents to get the information that they need to have a happy and healthy life. Sharing vital information that is unique to Floridians including weather, energy, insurance, finances.

Non Partisan Information

Florida Locator is an independent research group that does not engage in nor controlled by any political party, special interest group, or the like. The information that we share is geared towards public safety and quality of life for all Floridians regardless of race, religion, age, gender identity, sexual orientation or political affiliation. This information is designed to help any and everyone that needs to locate the latest and important information to live a safe and happy life.