Pet Planning

Pet Safety Plan

Pets are family and it is our responsibility to make sure that they stay safe during the storm.


Making sure that you’re safe during a storm is the main priority when getting prepared. more


The safety of you and your family is just as important especially if you have children or elderly relatives. more

Planning for your pets, including dogs and cats, is an essential part of hurricane preparedness. Here’s how to ensure the safety and well-being of your furry companions during an upcoming hurricane:

Emergency Kit for Pets:

Prepare a pet-specific emergency kit that includes enough food, water, medications, and supplies to last at least a week. Include bowls, a manual can opener (if needed), litter for cats, waste disposal bags, and any necessary medications.


Ensure your pets are properly identified with up-to-date ID tags on their collars. Consider getting them microchipped if they aren’t already. Keep a recent photo of each pet in case you get separated.

Evacuation Plan:

Determine if your local shelter or evacuation location allows pets. If not, research pet-friendly accommodations in advance. Have a list of options ready in case you need to evacuate quickly.

Carrier or Leash:

Keep a sturdy carrier or leash on hand for each pet. During an emergency, pets can get scared and may be more difficult to manage. Having a secure way to transport them is crucial.

Safe Haven:

Designate a safe room in your home where your pets can stay during the storm. This should be an interior room without windows. Keep their carriers, bedding, and familiar items in this room.

Travel Essentials:

If you need to evacuate, take your pet’s essentials with you. This includes their emergency kit, medications, food, water, and comfort items.

Calming Solutions:

Some pets get anxious during storms. Speak to your veterinarian about safe calming solutions, like anxiety vests or calming treats, to help keep your pets relaxed.

Preparedness Training:

Familiarize your pets with their carriers and evacuation process. Practice getting them into the carrier and into the car if needed.

Emergency Contact List:

Keep a list of emergency contacts, including your veterinarian’s information, pet-friendly hotels, shelters, and local animal control.


Ensure you have a sufficient supply of your pet’s medications, and store them in a waterproof container within your pet’s emergency kit.

First Aid:

Include pet-specific first aid supplies in your emergency kit, including items like gauze, bandages, and antiseptic.

Water and Food:

Fill containers with fresh water and portion out pet food in waterproof bags or containers.

Comfort Items:

Pack your pet’s favorite toys, blankets, or bedding to help them feel more secure during the upheaval.

Update Records:

Ensure your pet’s medical records are up-to-date, especially vaccinations, as some shelters may require proof of vaccinations.

Remember, your pets rely on you for their safety. Planning ahead ensures that you can provide them with the care and protection they need during a hurricane or any emergency situation.