Preparing for a Flooding Event
How to prepare for Flooding in your Community.
Family Planning for a Flooding Event
Anyone can experience flooding, especially if you live here in Florida. It is wise to prepare yourself, your family, your home and your vehicle before the threat of flooding.
The Effects of Flooding
Health risks during flooding include the spread of waterborne diseases, such as leptospirosis, cholera, and hepatitis A, due to contaminated water.
Preparing Yourself
- Monitor weather forecasts
- Sign up for alerts
- create a family plan
- assemble an emergency kit
- Purchase flood insurance
- Know evacuation routes
Prepare Your Home
- Have energency kits
- Waterproof documents
- Install and maintain sump pumps
- Install backflow valves in plumbing.
- Elevate electrical appliances
Protect Your Vehicle
- Park on higher ground
- Move vehicle to higher location
- Keep fuel tank full
- Install flood alarms
- Avoid driving through flooded areas
After a Flooding Event
- Ensure safety and account for everyone
- Seek medical attention if necessary.
- Arrange stable temporary housing
Communicate openly with family members - Utilize emergency shelters and community support
- Re-establish routines and normalcy
How to Prepare for Possible Flooding
To prepare for possible flooding, South Florida residents should stay informed by monitoring weather forecasts and signing up for emergency alerts. Create a family emergency plan, designating meeting places and communication methods. Assemble an emergency kit with essentials such as water, non-perishable food, medications, and important documents. Elevate electrical appliances and utilities to prevent damage. Clear gutters and drains to ensure water can flow freely. Consider purchasing flood insurance and documenting possessions for potential claims. Stay informed about local flood zones and evacuation routes.
• Monitor weather forecasts and sign up for alerts.
• Create a family emergency plan.
• Assemble an emergency kit with essentials.
• Elevate electrical appliances and utilities.
• Clear gutters and drains.
• Purchase flood insurance.
• Stay informed about local flood zones and evacuation routes.
Preparing Your Home
To prepare your home for flooding, ensure that you have a well-stocked emergency kit with essentials such as food, water, medications, flashlights, and batteries. Store important documents in a waterproof container. Install sump pumps and check that they are functioning properly. Seal any cracks in your foundation and install backflow valves in plumbing to prevent sewage backups. Elevate electrical appliances and utilities above potential flood levels. Know how to turn off utilities such as gas, electricity, and water. Consider creating a flood barrier using sandbags or other materials.
• Have an emergency kit with essentials.
• Store important documents in a waterproof container.
• Install and maintain sump pumps.
• Seal cracks in the foundation.
• Install backflow valves in plumbing.
• Elevate electrical appliances and utilities.
• Know how to turn off utilities.