Protecting Your Vehicle

Get Ready, Florida!
Unleashing the Power of Preparation.

Protecting your Vehicle is Critical

Protecting your vehicles during a hurricane is essential to minimize damage and ensure their safety. Here are some steps to secure your vehicles:

Find a safe parking spot:

If you live in an evacuation zone or an area prone to flooding, consider moving your vehicle to higher ground. Look for elevated parking lots, multi-level parking structures, or designated safe areas recommended by local authorities.

Park away from trees and power lines:

Avoid parking your vehicle under trees or near power lines. During a hurricane, trees can fall or branches can break, causing significant damage to parked vehicles. Power lines can also pose a safety hazard if they fall.

Store important documents:

Keep your vehicle’s important documents, such as registration, insurance, and identification, in a secure and waterproof location. This will ensure that you have access to them even if your vehicle is damaged or destroyed.


Securing your car during a hurricane threat involves several steps to protect it from potential damage. Here are some key measures you can take:

Choose a Safe Location:
Garage: Park your car in a garage if possible. This offers the best protection from high winds, flying debris, and flooding.
Higher Ground: If a garage is not available, try to park your car on higher ground to avoid flooding. Avoid parking near trees, power lines, or other objects that could fall on your car.

Cover Your Car:
Car Cover: Use a sturdy car cover to protect the exterior from flying debris. Specialized hurricane car covers can provide extra protection.
Window Protection: Consider covering the windows with blankets or other padding under the car cover to prevent breakage.

Secure the Garage:
If your car is in a garage, ensure the garage door is secured and reinforced to withstand strong winds. You can use garage door braces or other reinforcements.

Fuel Up:
Fill your gas tank before the hurricane hits. This ensures you have enough fuel in case of power outages or the need for evacuation.

Remove Valuables:
Take out any valuable items from your car to avoid potential theft or damage.

Use Wheel Chocks:
Place wheel chocks behind the tires to prevent the car from moving in case of high winds.

Handbrake and Transmission:
Engage the handbrake and put the car in gear (or in park if it’s an automatic) to reduce the risk of it rolling.
Check Insurance:

Review your car insurance policy to ensure it covers hurricane damage. If necessary, update your coverage.

Document the Car’s Condition:
Take photos of your car from all angles before the hurricane to document its condition. This can be useful for insurance claims if there is damage.

Seal the Car:
Ensure all windows and doors are closed and properly sealed to prevent water from entering the vehicle.
Taking these steps can significantly reduce the risk of damage to your car during a hurricane and make the recovery process easier if damage does occur.