Hurricane Planning for Women

When creating a plan consider the needs of each family member.

Hurricane Planning for Women

Preparing for a Hurricane: A Guide for Single Women
Hurricanes require thorough preparation, and single women may face unique challenges and considerations compared to men or families with children. This guide provides detailed information on how single women can prepare for a hurricane, addressing specific needs and offering practical solutions.

Why Preparation is Different for Single Women
Single women may have different priorities and challenges during a hurricane, such as:

Safety Concerns: Ensuring personal safety during and after the storm.
Health and Well-being: Managing individual health needs, including any specific medical requirements.
Property and Pet Care: Securing living spaces and caring for pets.

General Preparation Tips
Create a Personal Emergency Plan: Develop a comprehensive plan that includes evacuation routes, meeting points, and emergency contacts. Share this plan with trusted friends or family members.
Build an Emergency Kit: Prepare an emergency kit tailored to individual needs. Include:
Non-perishable food and water (at least three days’ supply)
Medications and medical supplies
Important documents (IDs, insurance papers, etc.)
Battery-operated or hand-crank radio
Flashlights and extra batteries
Personal hygiene items
First aid kit

Items specific to health needs, such as prescription medications, glasses, and any necessary medical devices
Stay Informed: Sign up for emergency alerts and notifications from local authorities. Ensure you have multiple ways to receive warnings, such as through TV, radio, and mobile apps.

Family Safety Plan

Include a plan for you and your family just in case of emergency.

Personal Preparation

Preparing for a hurricane will be different for different families. We have provided links to resources below.